
The little brown bat is 3 – 4” long with a wingspan of 8 – 11” wide and weight about 1/8 to 1/2 ounce. Females are slightly larger62283683.oCwGXTBm.03LITTLEBROWNBATIIIU than males. Their fur is dense, glossy and brown to bronze in color with a dark spot on their shoulder. The little brown bat eats a variety…
Bed Bugs

Beg bugs are about 1/4” to 3/8” long (about the size of an apple seed), brown to reddish blood-sucking insects with a flat, oval-shaped body. Bed bug young (nymphs) are smaller and translucent white-yellow in color while their eggs are tiny (about the size of a pinhead) and milky white in color. The female bed…