The little brown bat is 3 – 4” long with a wingspan of 8 – 11” wide and weight about 1/8 to 1/2 ounce. Females are slightly larger62283683.oCwGXTBm.03LITTLEBROWNBATIIIU than males. Their fur is dense, glossy and brown to bronze in color with a dark spot on their shoulder.
The little brown bat eats a variety of flying insects, including mosquitoes, flies, beetles and nocturnal moths. Mosquitoes are not a big part of their diet because mosquitoes do not fly as high as bats usually feed. Insects are caught in their mouths or with their wing or tail and transferred to their mouth. As they emerge from their day roost at dusk, they first seek a body of water for a drink then hunts for food.
Little brown bats are active during the spring, summer and fall. During the day they roost in a dark, warm places such as an attic, hollow trees or caves. In October and November, they move their summer roost to areas such as tunnels and caves where they cling to ceilings and cluster against one another to hibernate and mate. When bats emerge from their hibernation in April and May, the female colonizes with as many as 1,000 individual bats in attics, and other dark, hot retreats with their pups. The males will roost solo or in small groups. The females produce a single young in June or early July. In just 4 weeks the young bat is fully grown and ready to leave the colony.
Little brown bats can carry and transmit rabies, but very few actually have it. They are not aggressive and are not blind. Bats use echolocation to track food and to navigate. They do not fly into human hair. Since bats have a swooping and erratic flight pattern, they appear to be diving at humans but instead they are just searching for food.

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