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Bed Bugs
Beg bugs are about 1/4” to 3/8” long (about the size of an apple seed), brown to reddish blood-sucking insects with a flat, oval-shaped body. Bed bug young (nymphs) are smaller and translucent white-yellow in color while their eggs are tiny (about the size of a pinhead) and milky white in color. The female bed…
The little brown bat is 3 – 4” long with a wingspan of 8 – 11” wide and weight about 1/8 to 1/2 ounce. Females are slightly larger62283683.oCwGXTBm.03LITTLEBROWNBATIIIU than males. Their fur is dense, glossy and brown to bronze in color with a dark spot on their shoulder. The little brown bat eats a variety…
Other Blood Feeders
Fleas Fleas are a well-known problem of homeowner with pets especially from July through October. There are over 2,000 species of fleas flea worldwide, however the most common flea encountered in and around homes is the cat flea. The dog flea, while very similar to the cat flea, is not as commonly encountered. Most dogs…
American Roaches American roaches are the largest of the roach species and are also known as Palmetto bugs. Adults range from 1 1/2 – 2 inches long andcockroach-american-2 reddish brown to mahogany in color with faded yellow edges on their thorax. American roaches may be found in homes but are more commonly found in larger…
Blow Flies Blow flies are about 1/4 – 1” long with hair-like bristles and vary in color. Blow flies are often shiny, metallic, blue, green or black. TheyAustralian_sheep_blowfly have large compound eyes, one set of wings and short antennae. Blow flies are attracted to recently deceased animals as well as animal feces where they lay…
Norway rat The Norway rat, also known as the brown rat and sewer rat, are robust rodents with coarse brownish and scattered black hairs, gray torat yellowish-white under belly and a naked scaly tail. They weigh about 12 to 16 ounces and are 13” to 18” long as adults, including the tail. Rats typically breed…
Spiders Spiders are not insects but they are related as spiders and insects are both arthropods (animal having an exoskeleton and jointed legs).Giant house spider Tegenaria Gigantea Spiders are however closely related to mites, ticks, and scorpions which are known as arachnids. Unlike insects, spiders have eight legs rather than six. They have no antennae…
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