Fleas are a well-known problem of homeowner with pets especially from July through October. There are over 2,000 species of fleas flea worldwide, however the most common flea encountered in and around homes is the cat flea. The dog flea, while very similar to the cat flea, is not as commonly encountered. Most dogs infested with fleas have cat fleas.
Domestic pets as well as rats, mice, squirrels, raccoons and chipmunks could carry fleas into your home. Normally, with regular blood meals available, the female flea can lay 15 to 20 eggs per day on the host. Eggs are loosely deposited in the hosts’ skin or fur and usually drops out where the host sleeps and frequents (bedding, rugs, carpeting, upholstered furniture, lawns, etc.). Eggs hatch in approximately 2 to 14 days.
Flea larvae pass through three instars and take a week to several months (depends on time of year and temperatures) to develop before becoming an adult. Before adults emerge from their pupae cocoon, they wait to receive a signal that a host is near. Such signals include vibrations, pressure, heat and carbon dioxide. Newly emerged adults will initially live for about a week without a blood meal, but can survive 2 months in between meals.
Flea infestations could be prevented through regular washing and grooming of domestic pets, confine your pets to your property so that they do not roam freely, keep lawn and landscaping maintained, prevent birds from roosting and nesting on or near your home, and properly screen/seal vents, crawl spaces, chimneys, etc. to keep out rats, mice, squirrels, raccoons and chipmunks.