Citronella ants get their name from the distinct citronella like scent they emit when crushed. Workers are about 1/8 – 3/8” long and are yellowish to brown in color. Citronella ants do not live inside, but may forage indoors in search of food. Outside, they nest under slabs, walkways, and decaying wood. Swarmers may emerge at any time but most often mid-summer to late fall.

Pavement ants get their name from commonly locating their nests in or under cracks in pavement. Workers are about 1/16 – 1/8” long and light brown to black in color. Inside, pavement ants are most likely found in ground-level masonry walls of the foundation and favor areas by heat sources in winter. Outside, they typically nest in cracks in pavement, walkways, under patios and commonly seek entry via cracks in foundations, slabs, slab expansion joints and natural openings. Pavement ants swarm primarily in June and July, but also have the potential to swarm during winter months especially in heated structures.

Carpenter ants get their name from their natural ability to hollow out galleries in wood for nesting. Since carpenter ants do not eat wood but rather excavate their galleries, the sudden and frequent appearance of saw dust is an indicator that an infestation exists. Most commonly found are the black carpenter ant, however, they may be found with combinations of red and black or completely red or even brown. Not only can carpenter ants vary in color but also in size ranging from 1/4 – 3/4”. Inside, infestations may occur as a result of moisture issues in and around chimneys, roof valleys, gutters, wall voids as well as window and door frames. The excess moisture in these areas creates a conducive environment for carpenter ants to nest. Outside, they typically nest in tree stumps, rotting fence posts, landscape timbers, firewood piles, dead portions of standing trees and fallen trees. Carpenter Ant swarmers can emerge from May until August.

Odorous house ants get their name from the pungent odor given off when crushed. Workers are about 1/16 – 1/8” long and are brown to black in color. Inside, odorous house ants nest in wall voids near a moisture source such as hot water pipes, around sinks and leaky fixtures. They often seek entry indoors when their food source is reduced by rain or during the fall. Outside, they are frequently found under stone, walkways, firewood, debris and exposed soil. Odorous house ant swarmers emerge May – mid July.

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